Sikhula Sonke & child protectionSikhula Sonke wholeheartedly advocates support for promotion of the rights, care and protection of children, and through its work actively creates "safe and healthy environments for children". Safe spaces in which children can learn, grow, be loved and prepare for their future.
Sikhula Sonke also invests in the caregivers of these children through programmes like our Family Community Motivator Programme and others. Why a green ribbon?The green refers to life and growth.
South africa & cpwNational Child Protection Week (CPW) is commemorated in South Africa annually to raise awareness of the rights of children as articulated in the Children's Act of 2005.
The campaign that began in 1997 also aims to mobilise all sectors of society to ensure the care and protection of children. The campaign is led by the Minister of Social Development; however it is incumbent on all of us to play a role in protecting children and creating a safe and secure environment for them.The 2014 theme for the week is “ a safe and healthy environment for children”. Find out more about this Child Protection Week here What are the outcomes?The planned events are aimed at the following outcomes:
Program of events: 26-30 mayMonday 09h00 - 17h00: Launch of Child Protection week Open library; dances, dramas & music; exhibitions
Harare Square, Ncumo Road, Harare, Khayelitsha Tuesday: Round table discussions What are the real issues faced by our children? Let’s talk! Masibambane Hall - Lovelife, Y-Centre, Harare Square Ncumo Road, Khayelitsha Wednesday: Children learn & play times Visit our mobile toy library, enjoy our learning spaces Various sites including Kuyasa, Monwabisi Park, Harare Square Thursday: Road shows / pamphleteering Join us in handing out pamphlets & educating about child safety Led by SAPS, Metro Police and other community organizations Friday: Celebration & signing of pledges Rounding off Child Protection Week and setting the stage for Child Month Kuyasa Primary School, Kuyasa, Khayelitsha For more informationPlease contact: Ntutu Mtwana
Volunteer & Safety Coordinator: VPUU Compliance & Auxiliary Services Stocks & Stocks Bld: Khayelitsha Tel: 021 360 3220 Fax: 021 400 3990 Mobile: 072 282 8830/082 838 8573 Email: [email protected] our partners in raising awareness of child protection week |