On Saturday 160 children and their families celebrated the end of preschool and the children's graduation into mainstream schooling in 2015.
Smiling faces and joy were evident; parents from disadvantaged families were so excited to see their children wearing graduation gowns. The children came from our ECD interventions and outreach programmes. Sikhula Sonke fieldworkers did very well in organising outfits for the children; some of which were personally donated by our staff. Sikhula Sonke arranged gifts for children: stationery, shoes, soccer balls, teddy bears and brand new shoes. The shoes were donated by Joint Aid Management, teddy bears were donated by VPUU, and the soccer balls and stationery came from Sikhula Sonke's budget. The graduates, parents, and staff finished the graduation with a delicious dinner. Well done to the team!!!!
Today lots of very excited small people from Khayelitsha visited the Cape Town Science Center in Observatory. What a wonderful place to learn about science - children got a chance to work on a "construction site", learn about space, test their spacial and visual skills with hands-on experiences and games, and have lots of fun!
Well done to the teachers and staff who shepherded 180 preschoolers through a wonderful outing, and our thanks to the CTSC for hosting us so well. |
July 2024